Be sure to register your strikes here:

Fridays For Future

Did you know that Fridays For Future Canada has been connecting and curating strikes since November 2018? We built the first global map for a global strike on Friday, December 7, 2018. 

Thereafter, Fridays For Future International built the current map for the big global strike in March 2019. You can read more about FFF Canada’s history here. 

Previous Canadian strikers can be found on the FFF Canada map 

Recommendations for your event are:

  • Treat everyone with respect, include everyone, and be non-partisan.
  • Follow all your health unit’s COVID instructions if necessary
  • Most importantly make sure your local politicians and media know that your striking for the climate.


Declaration of Lausanne | August 2019, 400 climate activists from 38 countries
1. Keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels.
2. Ensure climate justice and equity.
3. Listen to the best-united science currently available.FRIDAYSFORFUTURE CORE VALUES:
– FFF is a grassroots climate movement, which unites behind the science.
– FFF is founded on facts, not politics, and is non-partisan.
– FFF is committed to solidarity with front-line communities.
– FFF is decentralized and non-hierarchical and mitigates for power.
– FFF welcomes everyone. All are needed.
– FFF does not tolerate discrimination, bullying, or harassment.
– FFF encourages regular, persistent public action.
– FFF builds collaborative partnerships/relationships.
– FFF prioritizes local participation.
– FFF uses awareness and regenerative culture.
– FFF does not blame and shame.